At Sports & Landscape by Ignasi Senabre we have made the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda our mission: we are determined to create a positive impact both socially and environmentally.
The social and environmental responsibility that we profess at Sports & Landscape by Ignasi Senabre is articulated around our commitment to the 2030 Agenda. Sustainable development goes beyond what we do, it is who we are. Because companies are fundamental pillars in societies and play a decisive role in overall growth, we firmly believe in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda to promote a new model of society, more inclusive and balanced, more respectful for people and the planet.
Circular economy, development of eco-innovations, control and reduction of carbon emissions and collaboration to create more inclusive communities are some of the actions we are promoting to advance towards the required paradigm shift.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is composed of 17 goals and 169 targets. To monitor them, 232 indicators were designed so they can be measured through statistical data. Sports & Landscape has an impact on 21 of the 169 targets.

The SDG we contribute to
in Sports & Landscape

We contribute to the health and well-being of our communities through the promotion of physical exercise and the sport of football. We collaborate with the Cruyff Foundation to promote this sport among young people, to fight against childhood obesity. In addition, in the construction of our sports facilities, we use sustainable, recyclable products and low-emission processes, certified with a CO2 meter. We also encourage our employees to travel sustainably and to consume fruit and vegetables.

We have drawn up an equality plan even though we are not legally obliged to do so. We implement measures for work-life balance and co-responsibility in the home, which are certified annually through ISO 45001. During the coronavirus pandemic, we implemented home office and flexible working hours for both genders. We also contribute to tackle the gender bias that dominate the highly masculinised sports and construction industries by promoting the recruitment of women as technicians, managers, supervisors and site workers.

We have a waste management plan that aims to reduce the generation of plastics and microplastics in the environment. We avoid the use of SBR rubber, recycle and reuse materials, and install retention channels to prevent worn fibres from ending up in the sewage system when irrigating the football pitches.

Our business helps to generate economic growth and we create quality permanent jobs with fair and equal working conditions that are better than those offered in the current labour agreement. We also promote hiring people in vulnerable situations.

Through our alliance with leading artificial turf producers and other key players such as the University of Castilla La Mancha, we drive innovation in this industry and the development of new, more sustainable products. We carry out feasibility and recycling studies of retired products and propose new installations with recycled, reused or unloaded SBR rubber turf.

We work for social integration of excluded groups and, where possible, we allocate 10% of the budget to hiring labour from social and labour integration centres, such as Josenea. We also collaborate with the Johan Cruyff Foundation, which promotes sport and the associated values of integration, teamwork and health among children in need, thus contributing to the reduction of inequalities.

We participate in the creation of sustainable cities and communities through circular economy with our process of reusing and recycling artificial turf, whether for covering a new football pitch or for recreational or decorative use at other public and private sites.

We apply an innovative method for renovating and recycling turf on site, which is waste-free and reduces energy consumption and cost by reusing materials. We also encourage sourcing from local companies with social and environmental criteria in their selection.

We are committed to minimising our impact on the environment, which is why we are a CO2 footprint certified company for the assembly and disassembly of the turf and the reuse of materials, with a carbon emission counter.

We collaborate with the Johan Cruyff Foundation to promote sport and values such as respect, health, integration and teamwork among children, with the University of Castilla La Mancha in a sustainability research project, and with Pimec and Indescat in the development of sustainable and circular economy projects.
The SDG we contribute to
in Sports & Landscape

We contribute to the health and well-being of our communities through the promotion of physical exercise and the sport of football. We collaborate with the Cruyff Foundation to promote this sport among young people, to fight against childhood obesity. In addition, in the construction of our sports facilities, we use sustainable, recyclable products and low-emission processes, certified with a CO2 meter. We also encourage our employees to travel sustainably and to consume fruit and vegetables.

We have drawn up an equality plan even though we are not legally obliged to do so. We implement measures for work-life balance and co-responsibility in the home, which are certified annually through ISO 45001. During the coronavirus pandemic, we implemented home office and flexible working hours for both genders. We also contribute to tackle the gender bias that dominate the highly masculinised sports and construction industries by promoting the recruitment of women as technicians, managers, supervisors and site workers.

We have a waste management plan that aims to reduce the generation of plastics and microplastics in the environment. We avoid the use of SBR rubber, recycle and reuse materials, and install retention channels to prevent worn fibres from ending up in the sewage system when irrigating the football pitches.

Our business helps to generate economic growth and we create quality permanent jobs with fair and equal working conditions that are better than those offered in the current labour agreement. We also promote hiring people in vulnerable situations.

Through our alliance with leading artificial turf producers and other key players such as the University of Castilla La Mancha, we drive innovation in this industry and the development of new, more sustainable products. We carry out feasibility and recycling studies of retired products and propose new installations with recycled, reused or unloaded SBR rubber turf.

We work for social integration of excluded groups and, where possible, we allocate 10% of the budget to hiring labour from social and labour integration centres, such as Josenea. We also collaborate with the Johan Cruyff Foundation, which promotes sport and the associated values of integration, teamwork and health among children in need, thus contributing to the reduction of inequalities.

We participate in the creation of sustainable cities and communities through circular economy with our process of reusing and recycling artificial turf, whether for covering a new football pitch or for recreational or decorative use at other public and private sites.

We apply an innovative method for renovating and recycling turf on site, which is waste-free and reduces energy consumption and cost by reusing materials. We also encourage sourcing from local companies with social and environmental criteria in their selection.

We are committed to minimising our impact on the environment, which is why we are a CO2 footprint certified company for the assembly and disassembly of the turf and the reuse of materials, with a carbon emission counter.

We collaborate with the Johan Cruyff Foundation to promote sport and values such as respect, health, integration and teamwork among children, with the University of Castilla La Mancha in a sustainability research project, and with Pimec and Indescat in the development of sustainable and circular economy projects.