City councils opt for rubber-free artificial turf
After the announcement of the new European regulations that will prohibit the filling of microplastics for sports fields, several Spanish town councils have reactivated the contracting of the renovation works of the artificial turf of their municipal fields, opting for the sustainable option of Sports & Landscape, with filled only with sand, free of rubber. This is the case of Buñuel (Navarra), Vilada (Barcelona) and Palafrugell (Girona).
In Navarra, we have been in charge of the renovation of the artificial turf and sports equipment at the Buñuel municipal field. The contract has been made with Idoi Construcción Sostenible, in joint participation with Sports & Landscape.
With a total area of 7,035 m2 in this field, we have opted to first install a waterproofing and draining polyethylene sheet, with an additional sheet of a three-dimensional geogrid with a geotextile. On this layer we have mounted the prefabricated elastic base that allows placing the Team Master 40-150 artificial grass, filled only with sand.
We have also supplied and installed all the sports equipment: 11-a-side soccer goals with their nets, two sets of folding 7-a-side soccer goals with their nets, benches for 10 substitute players and the nets to stop the balls behind the goals.
The field has been successfully tested under the parameters of the UNE EN 15330-1 regulations.
In the municipal field of Vilada, with a surface area of 5,565 m2, we have chosen the sustainable artificial turf LigaTurf Cross 240 with sand filling on a polyethylene sheet and a natural base. The civil works, entrusted to another company, began in November, and at the end of December we began installing the grass.
Finally, Palafrugell has also opted for the most sustainable artificial turf for its Gregal football field, which has had the financial support of the Girona Provincial Council. With an area of 5,600 m2, we have been in charge of dismantling and removing the old grass and installing the new one, a 40 mm sustainable model with exclusive sand filling on a prefabricated elastic base.
“After years of research and development to stay ahead of European regulations and be able to offer sustainable artificial turf free of microplastics, we are very happy that municipalities are getting on the sustainability train,” explained the CEO of Sports & Landscape, Ignasi Senabre.